Basic Policy regarding the Protection of Personal Information

Basic Policy

Protection of personal information

BLRD PTE. LTD.  (“the Company”) recognizes the importance of personal information, views the complete protection of personal information as its social responsibility, and promises to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, other relevant laws and regulations, guidelines, and the like, and to properly handle the personal information collected from the customers who use the Company's services and the Company App in accordance with this Policy.


This Policy will apply to all of the Company's services provided by the Company. The personal information that will be collected and the purpose of use of such information will be specifically provided for each of the Company's services in the individual privacy policy for the Company's service.

Handling of Personal Information

Collection for Company's services

To manage Company's services, the Company will clearly state the purpose of use in the privacy policy and collect the personal information required for providing the Company's services through lawful and fair means.

Collection for Company's corporate operations

To manage Company's corporate operations, the Company will collect the personal information regarding contact such as name, email address, address, telephone number for Company's stockholder management, commercial transaction, response to inquiries, public relations, and human-affairs procedure. In these cases, the Company collect the personal information through lawful and fair means.

Purpose of use

Purpose of use for Company's services

The Company will only use the collected personal information for improving the quality of the Company's services, delivering ads, or for any other purpose of use set forth in the privacy policy, and the Company will not use such information for any other purpose without the customer's consent or in the absence of any law or regulation to the contrary.

Purpose of use for Company's corporate operations

The Company will only use the collected personal information for Company's business administration, internal management, stockholder management, commercial transaction, analysis and improvement of our business activities, announcement of our services or events, response to inquiries, contact for our services, public relations, and human-affairs procedure.
The Company will not use for any other purpose without the customer's consent or in the absence of any law or regulation to the contrary.

Administration System

Establishment of the basic policy and rules for handling personal information

In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data as an organization, the company have established the basic policy (see "1. Basic Policy", etc.).
The company have established rules for handling personal data, including handling methods, responsible persons, and their duties.

Technical and physical security control measures

The company manages access to personal data (limiting access rights to authorized personnel (including measures such as immediately revoking the accounts of employees who have moved or retired)) and monitoring access status, managing physical entry controls.
The company takes security measures to prevent unauthorized access from outside the company (e.g., installation of firewalls).

Organizational security control measures

In addition to appointing the "Group Personal Information Protection Manager" as the person responsible for personal information management, the company have clearly defined the responsibilities and authority of employees regarding the management of personal information.
In addition to supervising employees (including temporary employees), the company has established a system for reporting to the person in charge in the event that a violation of the law or regulations is detected or signs of such a violation are detected.
The company has established internal rules and procedures and ensure that employees comply with them, and conduct appropriate audits of compliance.

Provision to Third Parties

Disclosure to third parties

In the following cases, the Company may disclose personal information to third parties:
  • The Company outsources work to a third party to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  • The Company performs a merger, corporate spin-off, transfer of business, or disposes all or some of the Company's business, assets, or stock (including cases where it is performed in connection with bankruptcy or similar proceedings)
  • The Company requests the customer's consent for the disclosure and the customer gives such consent
However, with regard to any information that has been statistically processed so that individual customers cannot be identified, the Company may use such information for purposes other than those listed above.

Disclosure at the request of a government body, local government, public agency, or the like

In the following cases, the Company may disclose personal information to a public agency or the like:
  • Pursuant to laws and regulations (including any laws and regulations outside of the country of residence of the party that will be providing the information)
  • Disclosure is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
  • It is particularly necessary to improve public health or to promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
  • There is a need to cooperate with the performance of administrative work provided for by law or regulation by a national government body, local government, or a contractor for such body, and obtaining the customer's consent may interfere with the performance of such administrative work

Joint utilization

The Company may use the provided personal information of suppliers, etc. jointly with GREE, Inc. and its group companies.

1.Items of personal information used jointly

  • Name
  • Birthday
  • Street address
  • phone number
  • mail address
  • Transfer account information

2.Scope of shared users

  • GREE, Inc. and its group companies.
  • About the latest situation such as the name of company included in the range of joint use of GREE, Inc., please visit this website

3.Purpose of jointly using personal information

  • For trading partner management

4.Person in charge of managing personal information to be shared


Personal Information Inquiry Desk

Request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, etc.

When we receive a request from a customer or his/her representative for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of said customer's personal information, we will respond without delay to the extent possible in accordance with the law. For these requests, please contact the “BLRD Customer Information Disclosure, Inquiries, etc. Desk” below. Please note, however, that if you correct, delete, or discontinue use of your personal information necessary for us to provide our services, you may not be able to use all or part of our services.

Contact information

Inquiries, consultations, and complaints regarding the handling of personal information for our services are accepted at the “BLRD Customer Information Disclosure, Inquiries, etc. Desk” below.
BLRD Customer Information Disclosure, Inquiries, etc. Desk
Last updated:June 11th, 2024
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